TCP syslog / RFC5424 log4j appender
As part of a training project, we created a small log4j appender supporting TCP syslog and RFC5424. Most importantly, it is capable of formatting stack traces as a single syslog messages (NOT the usual bunch of multiple malformed messages). The work is based on the syslog4j implementation, which did not work for us (our fault? ;)) and so we extended this framework. Note that the code has never been used in practice by us, so there may be some risk associated – but that should be fairly easy to asses, given that the source is pretty small.
The download of the RFC5424 syslog tcp appender contains it all: doc, jar files as well as the source.
Feedback and usage reports are appreciated, please send mail to (if you run into troubles, you can also use the same email address to discuss the problem!).