Rsyslog Debug Support

For harder to find issues, rsyslog has integrated debug support. Usually, this is not required for finding configuration issues but rather to hunt for program or plugin bugs. However, there are several occasions where debug log has proven to be quite helpful in finding out configuration issues.

A quick guide can be found here.

Signals supported

SIGUSR1 - turns debug messages on and off. Note that for this signal to work, rsyslogd must be running with debugging enabled, either via the -d command line switch or the environment options specified below. It is not required that rsyslog was compiled with debugging enabled (but depending on the settings this may lead to better debug info).

Note: this signal may go away in later releases and may be replaced by something else.

Environment Variables

There are two environment variables that set several debug settings:

  • The “RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG” (sample:  RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG=”/path/to/debuglog/debug.log”) writes (almost) all debug message to the specified log file in addition to stdout. Some system messages (e.g. segfault or abort message) are not written to the file as we can not capture them.

  • Runtime debug support is controlled by “RSYSLOG_DEBUG”.

    The “RSYSLOG_DEBUG” environment variable contains an option string with the following options possible (all are case insensitive):

    • LogFuncFlow - print out the logical flow of functions (entering and exiting them)

    • FileTrace - specifies which files to trace LogFuncFlow. If not set (the default), a LogFuncFlow trace is provided for all files. Set to limit it to the files specified. FileTrace may be specified multiple times, one file each (e.g. export RSYSLOG_DEBUG=”LogFuncFlow FileTrace=vm.c FileTrace=expr.c”

    • PrintFuncDB - print the content of the debug function database whenever debug information is printed (e.g. abort case)!

    • PrintAllDebugInfoOnExit - print all debug information immediately before rsyslogd exits (currently not implemented!)

    • PrintMutexAction - print mutex action as it happens. Useful for finding deadlocks and such.

    • NoLogTimeStamp - do not prefix log lines with a timestamp (default is to do that).

    • NoStdOut - do not emit debug messages to stdout. If RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG is not set, this means no messages will be displayed at all.

    • Debug - if present, turns on the debug system and enables debug output

    • DebugOnDemand - if present, turns on the debug system but does not enable debug output itself. You need to send SIGUSR1 to turn it on when desired.

    • OutputTidToStderr - if present, makes rsyslog output information about the thread id (tid) of newly created processes to stderr. Note that not necessarily all new threads are reported (depends on the code, e.g. of plugins). This is only available under Linux. This usually does NOT work when privileges have been dropped (that’s not a bug, but the way it is).

    • help - display a very short list of commands - hopefully a life saver if you can’t access the documentation…

    Individual options are separated by spaces.

Why Environment Variables?

You may ask why we use environment variables for debug-system parameters and not the usual rsyslog.conf configuration commands. After all, environment variables force one to change distro-specific configuration files, whereas regular configuration directives would fit nicely into the one central rsyslog.conf.

Historically environment variables were necessary to initialize so-called “rtinst” mode. This mode no longer exists, as the OS tools have improved. Using environment variables still has the benefit that the work right from initialization of rsyslogd. Most importantly, this is before the rsyslog.conf is read.

If that is no issue, rsyslog.conf global statements can be used to enable debug mode and provide some settings.

HOWEVER, if you have a too hard time to set debug instructions using the environment variables, there is a cure, described in the next paragraph.

Enabling Debug via rsyslog.conf

As described in the previous paragraph, enabling debug via rsyslog.conf may not be perfect for some debugging needs, but basic debug output will work - and that is what most often is required. There are limited options available, but these cover the most important use cases.

Debug processing is done via legacy config statements. There currently is no plan to move these over to the v6+ config system. Available settings are

  • $DebugFile <filename> - sets the debug file name

  • $DebugLevel <0|1|2> - sets the respective debug level, where 0 means debug off, 1 is debug on demand activated (but debug mode off) and 2 is full debug mode.

Note that in theory it is forbidden to specify these parameters more than once. However, we do not enforce that and if it happens results are undefined.

Getting debug information from a running Instance

It is possible to obtain debugging information from a running instance, but this requires some setup. We assume that the instance runs in the background, so debug output to stdout is not desired. As such, all debug information needs to go into a log file.

To create this setup, you need to

  • point the RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG environment variable to a file that is accessible during the while runtime (we strongly suggest a file in the local file system!)

  • set RSYSLOG_DEBUG at least to “DebugOnDemand NoStdOut”

  • make sure these environment variables are set in the correct (distro-specific) startup script if you do not run rsyslogd interactively

These settings enable the capability to react to SIGUSR1. The signal will toggle debug status when received. So send it once to turn debug logging on, and send it again to turn debug logging off again. The third time it will be turned on again … and so on.

On a typical system, you can signal rsyslogd as follows:

kill -USR1 $(cat /var/run/

The debug log will show whether debug logging has been turned on or off. There is no other indication of the status.

Note: running with DebugOnDemand by itself does in practice not have any performance toll. However, switching debug logging on has a severe performance toll. Also, debug logging synchronizes much of the code, removing a lot of concurrency and thus potential race conditions. As such, the very same running instance may behave very differently with debug logging turned on vs. off. The on-demand debug log functionality is considered to be very valuable to analyze hard-to-find bugs that only manifest after a long runtime. Turning debug logging on a failing instance may reveal the cause of the failure. However, depending on the failure, debug logging may not even be successfully turned on. Also note that with this rsyslog version we cannot obtain any debug information on events that happened before debug logging was turned on.

Interpreting the Logs

Debug logs are primarily meant for rsyslog developers. But they may still provide valuable information to users. Just be warned that logs sometimes contains information the looks like an error, but actually is none. We put a lot of extra information into the logs, and there are some cases where it is OK for an error to happen, we just wanted to record it inside the log. The code handles many cases automatically. So, in short, the log may not make sense to you, but it (hopefully) makes sense to a developer. Note that we developers often need many lines of the log file, it is relatively rare that a problem can be diagnosed by looking at just a couple of (hundred) log records.

Security Risks

The debug log will reveal potentially sensible information, including user accounts and passwords, to anyone able to read the log file. As such, it is recommended to properly guard access to the log file. Also, an instance running with debug log enabled runs much slower than one without. An attacker may use this to place carry out a denial-of-service attack or try to hide some information from the log file. As such, it is suggested to enable DebugOnDemand mode only for a reason. Note that when no debug mode is enabled, SIGUSR1 is completely ignored.

When running in any of the debug modes (including on demand mode), an interactive instance of rsyslogd can be aborted by pressing ctl-c.

See Also

See also

Help with configuring/using Rsyslog:

See also

Contributing to Rsyslog:

Copyright 2008-2023 Rainer Gerhards (Großrinderfeld), and Others.