Output Modules
Output modules process messages. With them, message formats can be transformed and messages be transmitted to various different targets. They are generally defined via action configuration objects.
- omamqp1: AMQP 1.0 Messaging Output Module
- omazureeventhubs: Microsoft Azure Event Hubs Output Module
- omclickhouse: ClickHouse Output Module
- omdtls: Output Module for DTLS Protocol over UDP
- omelasticsearch: Elasticsearch Output Module
- omfile: File Output Module
- omfwd: syslog Forwarding Output Module
- omhdfs: Hadoop Filesystem Output Module
- omhiredis: Redis Output Module
- omhttp: HTTP Output Module
- omhttpfs: Hadoop HTTPFS Output Module
- omjournal: Systemd Journal Output
- omkafka: write to Apache Kafka
- omlibdbi: Generic Database Output Module
- ommail: Mail Output Module
- ommongodb: MongoDB Output Module
- ommysql: MariaDB/MySQL Database Output Module
- omoracle: Oracle Database Output Module
- PostgreSQL Database Output Module (ompgsql)
- ompipe: Pipe Output Module
- omprog: Program integration Output module
- omrabbitmq: RabbitMQ output module
- omrelp: RELP Output Module
- omruleset: ruleset output/including module
- omsnmp: SNMP Trap Output Module
- omstdout: stdout output module (testbench tool)
- omudpspoof: UDP spoofing output module
- omusrmsg: notify users
- omuxsock: Unix sockets Output Module
- GuardTime Log Signature Provider (gt)
- Keyless Signature Infrastructure Provider (ksi)
- KSI Signature Provider (rsyslog-ksi-ls12)
See also
Help with configuring/using Rsyslog
Mailing list - best route for general questions
GitHub: rsyslog source project - detailed questions, reporting issues that are believed to be bugs with
See also
Contributing to Rsyslog
Source project: rsyslog project README.
Documentation: rsyslog-doc project README
Copyright 2008-2023 Rainer Gerhards (Großrinderfeld), and Others.